Anti-Discrimination Office Cologne (ADB)

The Anti-Discrimination Office Cologne (ADB) offers qualified advice to those affected and witnesses of (racist) discrimination.

  • We advice on options for intervening in the event of disciminatory incidents and attacks.
  • We support those seeking advice and accompany them in the jointly agreed procedure through the process of case clarification or through legal proceedings.
  • We systematically document all incidents reported by those affected and witnesses.

Advice is free of charge and, if requested, anonymous. We advice in German. Advice is also possible in English, French and Spanish by prior arrangement.

If you would like advice, please call and make an appointment. In order to avoid waiting times, please do not come to the office unannounced.


Antidiskiminierungsbüro Köln/Öffentlichkeit gegen Gewalt e.V.

Berliner Straße 97-99
51063 Köln

Tel.: 0221 964 76 300
Fax: 0221 964 96 709

Public Transport

Tram: Number 4 to Schlebusch,
Stop “Berliner Straße”
Bus: Linie 151 & 152,
Stop “Von-Sparr-Str.”